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Reflecting on energy resource development in Alberta for Canada History Week
Science, Creativity, and Innovation: Our Canadian Story—it’s the theme of this year’s Canada History Week, running from November 19 to 25. And there’s no question that from…
Long before fracking, “Nitro Charlie” took an unconventional approach to get the oil flowing
Before there was fracking, companies used “oil well shooting,” a process where explosives were used to break up the rock in wells that had slowed production, allowing the oil…
The AER’s first ever “hackathon” shows how collaboration can lead to innovation
If two heads are better than one, what happens when a few dozen noggins bang together to resolve challenges? As the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) discovered recently, the…
Energy companies drill—not dig—to unearth hidden treasures
Any movie buff can tell you that a successful treasure hunt ends with a stash of jewels and artifacts—bonus points if it’s tucked away in an ancient tomb.
In Alberta’s…
Alberta is building a domestic market for its natural gas
Buying local is never a bad idea, and one that Alberta natural-gas end users are taking to heart. In 2017, Alberta used more than half of its natural gas production.