The Core Research Centre (CRC) has exceeded capacity for core storage. The CRC has secured additional warehouse space at an off-site location to house ‘inactive core’. ‘Inactive’ core is core that has never or seldom been viewed in the past. ‘Active’ core is core that has been viewed more frequently, and any recently submitted core.
CRC will continue to provide viewing services for all core stored in Calgary, both active and inactive. You will be advised at the time of ordering whether the core you are requesting is inactive. Inactive core will require pre-booking and there is a $100 retrieval fee.
New Steps for Ordering Core
- Order core that you require: Submit a complete list of all core that you would like to view when you book a table. Please request the core by unique well identifier (UWI) in an e-mail or by filling out a service reservation form at the CRC.
- CRC Service Desk reviews your request: The service desk will advise you of the status of the core requested (active or inactive) and provide the date that the core will be available at the CRC for you to view.
- Book your viewing dates: If your requested core is inactive, the service desk will ask whether you prefer to wait until all the core is in the building or whether you want to book multiple dates to view the core. Multiple dates are treated as multiple bookings, and will be charged accordingly.
Additional Information
- Viewing of core will continue to be at the CRC, 3545 Research Way NW, Calgary.
- Retrieval of inactive core will take place on or about the first Wednesday of each month and be available for viewing on the following Monday.
- The cut-off date for orders of inactive core is the Friday preceding the retrieval date.
- A retrieval fee of $100 per UWI is charged to retrieve inactive core. You will be charged this fee at the time of booking. The service fee is applicable to all customers.
If you have any questions about the tour report request form, please contact the CRC Service Desk at 403-297-6400 or e-mail @email
Q: Will I still have the ability to view and sample all core managed by the CRC?
A: All core, active and inactive, that is managed by the CRC will be made available to customers, subject to confidentiality rules.
Q: How will I know if core I am requesting is active or inactive?
A: The CRC Service Desk staff will review your core request and advise you whether the core is active or inactive based on where the core is physically located at time of request.
Q: Is there an extra charge for viewing inactive core?
A: You will be charged a $100 retrieval fee for each UWI. The normal viewing fees are also applicable, i.e., per box fee, table fee. (See the products and services catalogue or inquire at the CRC Service Desk).
Q: Will I be able to request core by intervals?
A: Yes, inactive core will be managed and retrieved by UWI in its entirety and the retrieval fee will apply.
Q: Will I be able to view confidential core?
A: Only if you are the licensee or have applied to licensee for formal written permission to view.
Q: Is there a regular schedule for core retrieval from the off-site storage facility?
A: Core will be retrieved on or about the first Wednesday of the month. When core is retrieved from the off-site storage facility it will be available for viewing beginning the following Monday.
Q: Can I request inactive core for retrieval from the off-site storage facility at any time?
A: Yes, you can. However orders requiring retrieval from the off-site storage facility have a cut-off date of the last Friday of the month. For example, if the last Friday of the month is July 25, any core ordered by that date will be retrieved in August. Any orders after the 25th will not be available for viewing until the month following, in this example September.
Q: If I book a table for viewing and some of my core is inactive, what are my options?
A: Your options are:
- Continue with table booking and view the active core available at that time, and then book a table for the date the remaining core will be available for viewing. You will be charged for each booking separately, which is two bookings if you come in two different times.
- Book your table for the date when all requested core is available for viewing.