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CanmetENERGY lab studies bitumen’s effects in marine environments

Devon, Alberta - October 22, 2018

When it comes to energy development, it’s no secret that pipelines—and the products they transport—are a hot topic. Of particular interest are the effects of diluted bitumen in water, and how quickly a spill would need to be cleaned up before oil starts to disperse and sink.

Interested in taking a deeper dive into the research being performed in this area, Natural Resources Canada enlisted its CanmetENERGY lab in Devon, Alberta, to investigate how different types of oil—from heavy, to light, to diluted bitumen—behave in different water environments.

Watch our video interview with Dr. Heather Dettman, the lead Natural Resources Canada scientist on this project, to learn more about this research.

Kim Blanchette, Writer
Luke Spencer, Digital Media
Samantha Peck, Writer