The AER maintains the following lists of approved first and third party oilfield waste management facilities. First-party receivers can only accept upstream oilfield waste generated by one oil and gas company, but can come from various sites. Third-party receivers can accept upstream oilfield waste from various sites and various generators. The lists for first and third party receivers are available in Tableau.
List of first-party and third-party receivers [Tableau]
Oilfield waste generators are responsible for managing their wastes in accordance with all applicable AER requirements. The use of AER-approved or Environmental Sustainable Resource Development (ESRD)-approved waste management facilities is one option available to oilfield waste generators. When exercising this option, oilfield waste generators must evaluate the waste management practices being offered to ensure that they are appropriate for the properties of the waste in question and do not contravene AER requirements, specifically those presented in Directive 058: Oilfield Waste Management Requirements for the Upstream Petroleum Industry.
Additional AER publications related to the appropriate management of oilfield wastes are listed on the Waste Management page.
Oilfield waste management facility operators are responsible for operating in accordance with the terms and conditions of the facility approval. The approvals for oilfield waste management facilities and their supporting information are available from the AER's Information Distribution Services Section (Phone: 403-297-8311; E-mail: @email). If you make a request, please specify whether the approval, the application, or both are of interest. If you want only the approval, provide the approval number including the WM prefix of the specific oilfield waste management facility. These approval numbers are given in the list. To obtain the application or both the approval and application, provide the application number which is also found in the list.
If you have any further questions, please contact the AER Waste and Storage Section at @email.
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